Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Adopt an apprentice today!

By Erin Galey, Recruitment International

Are you growing rapidly? Do you need more staff? Do you have a lot of wisdom to share? Have you ever considered… taking on an apprentice?

Apprentices can be excellent additions to your team; they’re eager to learn and most have sharp skills in IT and social media, plus you receive government funding for the training you provide. These are points that have probably already been brought to your attention by your peers in the industry – I know that Teri Etherington, RI’s UK country manager has spoken at an event recently touching on the subject.

I just wanted to share with you another reason to consider taking on an apprentice…

As an apprentice myself I can say that starting the course is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It was scary realising how incompatible I was with the academic route, you don’t hear much about the high achievers who don’t go to university. However, a few months later I’ve found myself at Recruitment International with a feeling that I’m on the path to success.

As editorial apprentice I work closely with our editor Rebecca, publishing stories on the website, laying out news and features in the magazine, and running this blog among other things.

It’s only been about three months but I’ve already gained so much from my experience. Not only have I learnt the skills necessary for my job in editorial, I’ve also gained a lot I can take home with me,  including confidence from meeting some the bold personalities so often found in the industry (including Teri) and the skills and motivation to start running my own blog.

Doing an apprenticeship with Recruitment International has given me a start in the working world I didn’t think was possible.

You could be that start for a young person.

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